The downfall of our society results when the masses choose to follow the masses. They give faith to what is proclaimed by majority. But why? Simply because of the balance of opinion.
Outside of this societal dilemma we condemn blind allegiance with questions like “If so and so jumped off a bridge would you follow?” But don’t we do the same thing when we accept whatever we hear or read? A reporter provides their side of the story and we accept it without questioning.
Sure, you could argue you have no other choice since you don’t have the opportunity to be there in person. But what about the events, history, and research you do have a front-row seat to?
Today, more than any other time in history, we can have the first-hand experience of everything. No longer can you say, “Well, I wasn’t there, so I can’t give an opinion.” Maybe you weren’t physically present, but you can do your own research and form your own conclusion.
Blind, surface-level acceptance leads to a society of rats being led over the cliff. Just because it’s reported and accepted by the masses doesn’t mean it should be accepted as truth.