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Something to look forward to

An episode of Seinfeld, a bowl of popcorn and sparkling water, and a vacation are all carrots I’ve dangled in front of myself for motivation. I’m bullish about having something to look forward to. It’s the stopping point you push towards during busier times of life. A moment of respite before beginning again.

Venture investor, Chris Sacca, noted his need for a consistent dose of motivation during a cross-country roadtrip. The knowledge he would be in his own bed each night is what pulled him through the particularly difficult moments. 

Motivation ebbs and flows. There are seasons in life and times of the year when it comes naturally. You awake each morning with a burning passion to seize the day. But there are times that fire goes dim and I don’t even want to get out of bed.

A need to pay the bills can motivate you enough to go through the actions. But is it enough to compel you to work harder than the day before?

You might say I’m putting a lot of hope in a bowl of popcorn. For most, the idea of a bowl of popcorn and a can of sparkling water wouldn’t be enough to keep them going. But for me, that simple prize is more than enough to encourage me forward when the going gets tiresome.

When it’s your reward it doesn’t have to be impressive so long as it compels you. Give it a try. What’s a simple pleasure that spurs you to action? Whatever it might be, place the thought of it at the end of your day.