My alarm clock

Whenever I think of it an animated clip plays in my mind: the minute hand strikes the previously set time and instantly the sharp clanging of steel rings out from the little clock now bouncing across the nightstand.

For you, it could be the idea of throwing it across the room or the peaceful sleep it wakes you from. Few of us think of anything pleasant when we think of our alarm clock.

I would say all of us have a love-hate – mostly hate – relationship with our alarm clock. We love the assurance it provides when we need to catch an early morning flight. But we hate that it robs of continued sleep.

I switched from my digital alarm clock many years ago. When I first started using the one on my phone I chose the loudest, most obnoxious noise to wake me up. And like clockwork (pun intended) the first five seconds of my day went something like this: clock strikes 5:00 am, fire alarm noise ensues, my hand fumbles to hit the snooze button, and I begin thinking again, “Ugh, what a terrible noise to wake up to.”

I decided to give myself the gift of a more peaceful wake-up call. But I was concerned I’d sleep through it. But I figured I owed it to my morning self to give it a try. 

So, the night before, I scrolled through the list of noises I could select for my alarm. I decided to go with a peaceful wind chime. It was soft but distinct enough to disrupt the hum of my nearby fan.

The following morning when the time struck 5:00, instead of a horrible clang breaking through the static of sleep, the chime of pipes gently prompted me awake.

In my half-awake stupor I thought, “Ah, it’s going to be a good day.”


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