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Like the frog who lingers in the water as the temperature rises, we can be boiled alive by what we marinate in for too long. Something can appear to be a good thing at first but ultimately lead to our downfall in the end.

Without realizing the potential danger we can become victims of the seemingly harmless things of life. For a frog, his cool bath becomes a watery grave. For others, a harmless decision made in haste can lead to unintended yet harmful consequences. 

Naivety is not a virtue. Overlooking consequences is stupidity. Be willing to look over the hedge of your decision. After all, one decision leads to another. 

Decisions can be deliberate and also involuntary.

Let’s take the example of the frog being boiled alive. Whether he was placed there or jumped in, he made the decision to sit in the water. He also makes the continual decision, or decisions rather, to remain sitting in the water as it heats up around him.

Maybe jumping into the water wasn’t a bad choice. But remaining in it is, in fact, a terrible one.